GENERAL QUALITY CLAUSES – Apply to all Purchase Orders
10 CHANGES OF CONFIGURATION, DESIGN, OR PROCESS: The supplier shall notify UPTURN of any proposed changes to design, parts, materials, fabrication methods, or processes, and obtain written approval from UPTURN Industries, prior to incorporating a change.
20 SOURCE INSPECTION: All work on this order is subject to inspection and test by the Government, UPTURN Industries, and UPTURN’S end customer, at any time and place. This includes the right to inspect any or all work, quality systems and associated records at the Suppliers facility.
30 REPAIR, REWORK AND RERUNS: Prior approval from UPTURN Industries must be obtained prior to any and all rework, repairs or reprocessing.
40 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: A Certification of Compliance (Certificate of Accuracy, etc.) is required with each shipment to UPTURN.
50 RECORD RETENTION: Quality records including raw material certifications, work instructions, process records, inspection and test data shall be retained by the supplier for a minimum of 10 years. For components sold to Avox Systems, permission must be granted by Avox Systems prior to disposal of records.
60 RESTRICTION ON ACQUISITION OF SPECIALTY METALS / ARTICLES CONTAINING SPECIALTY METALS: Raw material purchased by UPTURN shall conform to DFAR 252.225-7008 and/or DFAR 252.225-7009 when applicable.
70 CHANGE OF SUPPLIERS: The Supplier shall notify UPTURN of changes in material or component sub-suppliers, from what was supplied on the previous production lot.
80 CHANGES IN MANUFACTURING FACILITY LOCATION: The Supplier shall notify UPTURN when a change in manufacturing location occurs.
90 RIGHT OF ACCESS: The Supplier shall provide access to Upturn Industries, Upturn’s customer, and regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of all facilities, at any level of the supply chain involved in this order.
100 FLOW DOWN: The Supplier shall flow down all applicable clauses (requirements) though all levels of the supply chain by referencing these requirements on their Purchase Orders.
110 ADDITIONAL SUPPLIER REQUIREMENTS: The supplier shall adhere to the following:
SPECIAL QUALITY CLAUSES – Listed on Purchase Order as they apply
200 CERTIFICATION OF MERCURY EXCLUSION: Each shipment made against this purchase order must contain a statement certifying that the purchased material or components do not contain mercury or mercury compounds.
300 TEST RESULTS: Typical test results, objective evidence of testing, “furnace charts”, or similar must accompany this shipment.
400 SPECIAL PROCESS SHEET: A Special Process Sheet issued by the UPTURN Quality Department is included in this shipment.
500 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: (Specify on Purchase Order)